The Healing of Forgiveness – Part Five

Forgiveness is about the transformation of people rather than about certain therapeutic techniques. People need time to uncover anger, especially anger that has dwelt with the person for years. Forgiveness involves seeing the offender in new ways and allowing the feeling of empathy to emerge.  If you or someone you know may need counseling, please contact Lamar Hunt Jr. or see his website at

The Healing of Forgiveness – Part Two

Forgiveness is a tool for resolving excessive anger in a variety of contexts and disorders. As stated before, forgiveness had been shown to decrease anger, anxiety, and depression and increase an individual’s sense of hope and self-esteem. Many individuals come to therapy because they have experienced considerable injustice from others, sometimes over years. Forgiveness is one of the direct routes to dealing with anger born out of injustice in a way that is constructive and healing. Forgiveness therapy is straightforward and many are now asking for this sort of help, “How do I forgive someone who has hurt me so badly?” Forgiveness therapy offers explicit approaches for altering thoughts about past events and people who have been unfair to an individual. Forgiveness therapy is a way for both client and therapist to examine situations where the client was (or still is) treated unfairly for the express purpose of helping the person to understand the offender, to learn to slowly let go of anger with this person and, over time, to make a moral response of goodness toward the offender(s).  If you or someone you know may need counseling, please contact Lamar Hunt Jr. or see his website at

The Healing of Forgiveness – Part One

For the next several posts, I thought we might consider the topic of forgiveness because simply put, people who forgive someone can greatly improve their emotional health. Research has shown (Dr. Robert Enright) that people who forgive can decrease anger, anxiety, and depression and increase self-esteem and hope following a forgiveness intervention. Forgiveness may be important in people’s emotional healing from events and relationships that cause considerable suffering even if these individuals do not have a psychiatric disorder per se. Some usual ideas about forgiveness fall into such categories such as “move on with your life” or “let go of the resentment.” However forgiveness of deep offenses from other people can be psychologically healing in many ways. Forgiveness has a specific task: to help people overcome resentment, bitterness, and even hatred toward people who have treated them unfairly and at times cruelly. Forgiveness is a specialist in quelling the kind of anger that debilitates the injured or wounded individual.  If you or someone you know may need counseling, please contact Lamar Hunt Jr. or see his website at